Brief Information

News for May 2024

In this issue of the debating newsletter:

  1. German tournaments: DDM Hamburg, Queer-Punk Berlin, OPD World Cup Aachen, Saarbrücken

  2. Looking back at: Break at South-East Championship

Dear debaters,

this issue of the debating newsletter is a rather short one. We have a few German tournaments coming up and a break at the South-East Championship last month.

Have fun reading and see you next month!

Upcoming Tournaments in Germany

Logo der Campus Debatten

Deutsche Debattiermeisterschaft (Hamburg)

From the 17th to the 20th of May, the Debating Club Hamburg is hosting the annual German Debating Championship. Three teams and two judges from Munich will participate.

Berlin Debating Union (BDU)

Queer-Punk (Berlin)

On the 8th and 9th of June, Berlin is hosting a queer themed tournament. A special feature of this tournament is that there is a novice final in addition to the normal final.

Debating Society at the RWTH Aachen

OPD World Cup (Aachen)

The first ever OPD World Cup is being hosted in Aachen on the 15th and 16th of June. OPD is a format that is debated almost exclusively in German. This tournament is considered a pioneer in English-language OPD.

Debattierclub Saar

Turnier am Staden (Saarbrücken)

The “Tournament at Staden” is held outdoors on picnic blankets. The date is June 22, but there are two other alternative dates in case of bad weather.

Semi-final Break at SODM

Our team with Julia and Leander achieved a semi-final break at the South-East Debating Championship (SODM) in Nuremberg. With that, they secured Munich an extra team slot at the German Debating Championship (DDM) this month. In total, four teams from Munich participated at this tournament. Jola and Phillip just barely missed the break by a couple of speaker points. Clara was awarded the young talent adjudicator prize at this tournament.